§ 10.1.2. Overview—Land Development Permitting.

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  • The following presents a summary of the plans and procedures involved in the land development approval and permitting process.


    Zoning Changes. An application for a zoning change shall include the information listed below.


    Legal Description. An application for a zoning change shall include a legal description of the area to be rezoned.


    Concept Plan. An application for rezoning or approval of a special exception use must include a concept plan showing the proposed use of the property.


    "Major Subdivisions"—Subdivisions with Public Improvements. The division of land into two or more lots that will require the construction or extension of public streets, water or sanitary sewerage, other than the direct connection of buildings to existing facilities, or the provision of stormwater drainage facilities (other than driveway culverts), shall be conducted as indicated below.


    Project Concept Approval. Project concept approval is granted by the Planning Department upon review and approval of a Preliminary Subdivision Plat.


    Development Permit. A Development Permit is issued by the Engineering Department based on review and approval of civil drawings for construction of the subdivision.


    Prerequisite for Final Plat. Receipt by the Engineering Department and Columbus Water Works of accurate surveys of the as-built condition of public improvements is required in order to allow filing of a final plat.


    Final Subdivision Plat Approval. Approval of a final subdivision plat by the Planning Division and approval of public improvements by the applicable department will authorize recordation of the plat with the Clerk of the Superior Court.


    Sale of Lots and Issuance of Building Permits. After recordation of the Final Plat, the lots may be sold and building permits on the lots may be obtained.


    Minor Subdivisions. The following types of subdivisions fall under the category of and shall be defined as "minor subdivisions."


    Existing Services and Access. The division of land into 2 or more lots, in which each lot has adequate frontage on an existing street or road, and the subdivision does not require the construction of a new street or the widening of an existing roadway, the provision of stormwater drainage facilities other than driveway culverts, or the construction or improvement of any public utilities.


    Recombination. The sale or exchange of portions of adjoining lots between separate or common owners of adjoining properties, including the recombination of existing lots of record.


    Additional Lots Prohibited. A recombination of lots shall not create additional lots.


    Compliance with Zoning District. All resulting lots from a recombination shall be in accordance with the provisions of the zoning district applicable to the lots, and all other applicable laws and regulations.


    Nondevelopment Land Sales.


    Description. A nondevelopment land sales plat is for the sale of a parcel or tract of land for which no new streets or roads are created or no new utility improvements are required or no new sanitary sewer or approval of a septic tank is required.


    Certification Required. Any plat for such sale that is filed for recordation by the Clerk of the Superior Court must contain a certification signed and sealed by a licensed surveyor that the plat is consistent with the provisions of O.C.G.A. § 15-6-67(d), and the plat shall be clearly captioned as follows: "The tract or tracts depicted on this plat are not eligible for connection to a sanitary sewer system or for septic tank approval."


    Process for Review of Minor Subdivisions. The approval of a minor subdivision shall be conducted as provided herein.


    Effect of Approval. Approval of a final subdivision plat by the Planning Director will authorize recordation of the plat with the Clerk of the Superior Court.


    Effect of Recordation. After recordation of the final plat, the lots may be sold and building permits on the lots may be obtained.


    Multifamily and Nonresidential Projects. Multifamily and nonresidential projects shall be reviewed as provided herein.


    Project Concept Approval. Project concept approval is granted by the Planning Department upon review and approval of a site plan for the project.


    Development Permit. A development permit is issued by the Engineering Department based on review and approval of civil drawings for construction of the project.


    Building Permit. A building permit is issued by the Director of Inspections and Code Enforcement based on review and approval of architectural plans. Buildings falling under the authority of the State Fire Marshall shall be approved by the Director of Inspections and Code Enforcement prior to issuance of the building permit.


    Receipt of Surveys. Receipt by the Department of Engineering and the Columbus Water Works of accurate surveys of the as-built condition of all public improvements is required in order to authorize permanent water and sanitary sewer service.


    Permanent Electric Power and Occupancy. Permanent electric power and occupancy of the building is authorized by the Director of Inspections and Code Enforcement based on final inspection and issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.

(Ord. No. 05-32, § 1, 4-5-05; Ord. No. 09-16, § 1, 4-3-09)