§ 10.3.2. Procedure for Project Approval.  

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  • A.

    Optional Pre-Application Procedure.


    Sketch Plan. A subdivider or developer may prepare a sketch plan for review by the Planning Division. The sketch plan should include:


    A tentative layout of streets;


    The total acreage of the proposed development and the approximate number of acres to be developed to each use if more than one use is being considered;


    Proposed sites for schools, parks, and other similar facilities;


    For subdivisions, approximate lot lines and street right-of-way lines, along with the front building setback line on each lot;


    For multifamily and nonresidential development projects, the approximate outline and location of all buildings, and the location of all minimum building setback lines, outdoor storage areas, solid waste disposal facilities, buffers, curb cuts, parking areas and driveways;


    Any unusual topographical feature, such as a watercourse;


    And any and all areas located within the special flood hazard area as defined in the Land Development Activities Chapter of this UDO.


    Confidentiality. The sketch plan and all discussion regarding it will be considered as being confidential between the subdivider and the planning division staff.


    Effect of Review. Favorable consideration by the Planning Division shall not be construed as preliminary or tentative plat approval.


    Separate or Joint Application Review. An application for project approval may be processed independently or in conjunction with an application for issuance of a development permit or building permit, as applicable.


    Project Approval Application. An application for project approval shall be submitted to the Planning Division. The application shall include the information listed below.


    Application Form. A properly completed application form, as furnished by the Planning Division, requesting review for project approval.


    Number of Copies. The required number of copies of the preliminary subdivision plat or site plan showing the entire ownership drawn to the specifications of this Article.


    Conservation Subdivisions. For conservation subdivisions, the following information shall be submitted:


    A conservation resource inventory (see Section 6.4.2);


    Calculations of usable land and total allowable lots (see Section 6.4.3); and


    A maintenance of open space and operation of common facilities plan (see Section 6.7.5.B).


    Fees. Payment of all applicable application and review fees, as established by the City Council.


    Review for Application Completeness. The Planning Division shall review the application for completeness at the time of submission. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant.


    Distribution. The Planning Division shall send a copy of an application to the Department of Engineering, the Inspections and Code Enforcement Division, and the Columbus Water Works for informational purposes.


    Mandatory Georgia Department of Transportation Review. If the proposed subdivision includes or abuts a U.S. or State numbered highway, unless all of the lots in the subdivision contain 5 acres or more and no new street is involved, review by the Georgia DOT is required pursuant to O.C.G.A. ;s 32-6-151.


    Additional Copies. For such a proposed subdivision, two additional copies of the preliminary plat must be submitted to the Planning Division for forwarding to DOT.


    Response to Georgia DOT. The owner or subdivider must respond to the recommendations of the DOT prior to preliminary plat approval.


    Failure to Provide Comments. If the written recommendations of the DOT are not made within 30 days of receipt of the preliminary plat by DOT, their approval shall be assumed as provided under State law.


    Action by the Planning Director. Within 30 days following receipt of the application, the Planning Division shall take action to approve, with or without modifications, or to disapprove the application. If disapproved, the reasons for disapproval will be indicated on the drawing or in writing, along with all comments related to compliance with this UDO.


    Compliance. The owner shall be responsible for compliance with all codes, regulations, and zoning requirements and for the satisfaction of all the noted and written comments.


    Prohibited Approval. The Planning Division shall not approve any preliminary subdivision plat or site plan whereon is shown a lot or situation that would clearly require a variance to order to be reasonably usable, whether due to the presence of flood plain, unusual configuration, zoning compliance, lack of public utilities, or for any other reason.


    Determination of Compliance. When the Planning Division has determined that the preliminary subdivision plat or site plan is in compliance with the requirements, purpose and intent of this UDO, it shall be approved.


    Approved Drawings. The Planning Director shall sign and date the CERTIFICATE OF PROJECT APPROVAL stamped or printed on a reproducible copy of the preliminary subdivision plat or site plan.


    Distribution. One copy of the approved drawing shall be transmitted to the applicant and the Planning Division shall retain copies for its files and distribution to others.


    Effect of Certificate of Project Approval. The certificate of project approval shall remain in effect for a period of one consecutive year, after which time it shall become null and void if no permit has been issued or no development activity has begun. Once null and void, a new certificate shall be required prior to issuance of a permit or authorization to begin development activity. Once a permit has been issued or development activity has begun pursuant to a project approval in effect, project approval shall remain in effect for all portions or phases of the development included within the project approval application.