§ 10.3.4. Preliminary Plat or Site Plan Requirements.  

Latest version.
  • The information listed in this Section shall be included with any preliminary plat or site plan.


    Name. Proposed name of development.


    Property Owner Information. Name and address of the property owner, and the proposed subdivider or developer.


    Applicant Information. Name, address, and telephone number of the applicant.


    Survey Information. Date of survey, north point and graphic scale, source of datum, date of plan drawing, and revision dates, as appropriate.


    Proposed Use. Proposed use of the property.


    Location. Location (land district and land lot) and size of property in acres or in square feet if less than an acre.


    Location Sketch. Location sketch of the property in relation to the surrounding area with regard to well-known landmarks such as arterial streets, railroads or others.


    Preparation. Sketches may be drawn in freehand and at a scale sufficient to show clearly the information required, but not less than one inch equal to 2,000 feet.


    USGS Maps. U.S. Geological Survey maps may be used as a reference guide for the location sketch.


    Former Approved Subdivision. Name and boundary of former approved subdivision if any or all of the land in the preliminary subdivision plat or site plan has been previously subdivided, showing boundaries of same.


    Zoning District. Zoning district designation of the subject property and all adjacent properties, and zoning district boundaries as appropriate.


    Prior Approvals or Applications. Rezoning or special exception use application number, date of approval, and conditions of approval, as applicable.


    Approved Variances. Variances obtained on the property by application number, date of approval, and conditions of approval, as applicable.


    Natural Features. Natural features within the property, including drainage channels, bodies of water, wooded areas and other significant natural features such as rock outcroppings. On all watercourses entering or leaving the property, the direction of flow shall be indicated. The area of special flood hazard, the 100-year floodplain, if any, shall be outlined.


    Man-Made Features.


    Features. Man-made features within and adjacent to the property, including all street right-of-way and pavement widths, names of existing streets, all easements, city and county political boundary lines, and other significant information such as location and dimensions of bridges, utility lines, existing buildings to remain, and other features.


    Identification of Public Streets and Areas. All streets and other areas designated for public use, or proposed to be dedication or reserved, should be identified.


    Contours. Contours drawn at two-foot intervals or as may be approved by the Director of Engineering.


    Project Layout. The proposed project layout including subdivision and site plan information as indicated below.


    Required Subdivision Information. Proposed subdivision information shall include the following:


    Street right-of-way lines, with proposed street names or letter designations and right-of-way widths;


    Lot lines, along with the front building setback line with the lot width;


    Parks, playgrounds, and other public areas to be included in the proposed subdivision; and


    A sketch of the prospective future street system of the unsubmitted part when the preliminary plat submitted covers only a portion of the subdivider's entire holdings.


    Site Plans. For multifamily and nonresidential development site plans, the following information shall be provided:


    The outline and location of all buildings;


    The location and relevant dimensions of all minimum building setback lines;


    The location of outdoor storage areas;


    The location of solid waste facilities;


    The location of buffers;


    The location of parking areas, driveways and curb cuts; and


    Designated fire lanes.


    Phasing. The proposed phasing of the development if it is proposed to be built in sections.


    Water Supply. A statement as to the source of the domestic water supply.


    Sanitary Sewage Disposal. A statement as to the provision for sanitary sewage disposal. For those properties that will not be served by a public sanitary sewerage system, on-site individual or community sewage disposal systems must be approved by the health department.


    Stormwater Detention. The approximate location of proposed stormwater detention facilities.


    Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control. For site plans, a statement of intent to comply with the soil erosion and sedimentation control provisions of this UDO must be included on the plan and signed by a representative with soil erosion certification and their certification number listed.


    Additional information. Such additional information as may be reasonably required to permit an adequate evaluation of the development activity proposed in the application.