§ 4.6.15. Tree Planting Standards.  

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  • The following standards shall apply to all trees and shrubs proposed to be planted for credit toward meeting the minimum required TDUs on a property.


    Plant Material Specifications.


    Standard for Plant Materials. All plant material shall meet American Standard of Nursery Stock standards.


    Survivability. Trees selected for planting must be free from injury, pests, disease, nutritional disorders or root defects, and must be of good vigor in order to assure a reasonable expectation of survivability.


    Large Maturing Trees. Large maturing trees shall be a minimum of eight feet in height and have a caliper of at least two inches immediately after planting.


    Small Maturing Trees. Small maturing trees shall be a minimum of five feet in height and have a caliper of at least one and one-half inches immediately after planting.


    Suitable Species. Table 4.6.5 contains a "Required Large Maturing and Small Maturing Tree Planting Lists" for suitable species choices.


    Installation Adjacent to Utility Lines Prohibited. Large maturing tree species shall not be planted within 20 feet of overhead utility lines.


    Replacement. All plantings that die or are destroyed must be replaced, except in single-family residential lots, during the next suitable planting season. Trees which are planted on single-family residential lots to meet the requirements of this Article must be alive and in good vigor at the time of the sale of the property, or the developer or builder who planted the tree shall replace the same during the next suitable planting season.


    Planting Specifications and Standards.


    Installation. Plantings shall be installed to current nursery industry standards.


    Planting Hole. The diameter of the planting hole shall be a minimum of three times the diameter of the root ball.


    Planting Hole Sidewalks. The planting hole sidewalls shall be scored or roughened to eliminate the smooth, slick surface caused by the shovel or auger.


    Containerized Materials. If containerized material is to be planted, any circling roots shall be cut by slicing the root ball vertically from top to bottom in two to three well spaced lines around the root ball with a sharp knife.


    Location of Root Ball. The root ball shall rest on undisturbed soil in the planting hole with the top of the root ball on level with the natural ground level or slightly raised. If slightly raised, the elevation will not exceed a height of two inches above the natural ground level.


    Credit Not Applicable. Any tree planted with the top of the root ball below natural ground level shall not be counted towards the required TDUs for the property.


    Soil. The soil used to backfill around the root ball shall not be compacted, and shall be native soil free of rocks, trash or any construction debris.


    Stakes and Guy Wires. Stakes and guy wires should only be installed when absolutely necessary. Supporting devices shall not interfere with vehicular or pedestrian movement and shall be removed after 12 months.


    Mulching of Trees. Mulch in the form of pine straw, pine bark or wood chips shall be evenly distributed over the planting hole to a settled depth of two inches.


    Irrigation. A permanent or temporary irrigation system shall be installed to ensure that plants will survive the critical establishment period.


    Out-of-season Planting. Out-of-season planting is discouraged. Property owners or developers may submit a "Request for Delay Affidavit" to allow for plant installation to occur at a time which better coincides with the normal planting season, normally considered to be November 1 st to March 31 st .

    Figure 4.6.1


(Ord. No. 09-40, § 1, 7-14-09)