§ 4.6.16. Alternative Compliance.  

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  • A.

    Intent. The intent of this Article is to ensure that a minimum density of trees is maintained on all developed sites. Occasionally, compliance with this intent cannot be attained because a project site will not support the required density of trees. When the City Arborist makes a writing finding that the project site will not bear the required density of trees, two methods of compliance are acceptable:


    Off-site planting at a location on public property or an appropriate conservation easement remote from the project site; or


    Contributing to the Columbus, Georgia Tree Replacement Fund.


    Standards for Alternative Compliance. The following standards have been established for administering these alternative compliance methods.


    Review and Approval. The City Arborist must review and approve all requests for alternative compliance within 15 day of receipt of such requests.


    Standards for Compliance. In no instance shall 100 percent of the required TDU be attained through alternative compliance. As many trees as can reasonably be expected to survive must be planted on the site in question.


    Permit Issuance. The land disturbance permit will only be issued after the City Arborist has approved the request and received the necessary documentation or funds.


    Off-site Planting. If trees are to be planted at another location, the compliance with the standards listed below is required.


    Location. The off-site location should be in the same area of the City as the project site and will be selected by joint consultation between the developer and the City Arborist. If they are unable to agree upon a mutually acceptable site, then the Tree Board will select the site.


    Tree Planting Plan. A tree planting plan consistent with all applicable standards of this Article must be reviewed and approved by the City Arborist.


    Required Plan Note. The following note must be shown on the approved plan:

    "A Tree Planting Plan addendum for this project shall be submitted to the City Arborist within 30 days from the date of this land disturbance permit. This plan shall include the species, size and location of trees to be planted off-site to meet the tree density deficit shown. Release of this project is subject to approval of this plan as well as verification of the installation of the trees."


    Tree Replacement Fund. As another method of alternative compliance, the City will accept donations to the City's Tree Replacement Fund. The donations shall be used for the sole purpose of planting trees on public property in the same area of the City as the project site.


    Calculating Contribution Amounts. Contribution calculations are based on two-inch caliper replacement trees with a value of $220.00, representing the average size and cost of materials, labor and guarantee for trees planted in the City.


    Minimum Contribution Formula. The formula for determining the total contribution is indicated below:

    Required Contribution = Density Factor Deficit (DFD)/.5 (Unit Value) × $220.00 (Replacement Value).

    Density Factor Deficit. The unit value that cannot be planted on the site.

    Unit Value. The unit value of a two inch caliper replacement tree.

    Replacement Value. $220.00 for trees planted in the City.

    Example Calculation.

    An example calculation to determine a required contribution is presented below.

    A 2.2 acre site has a required total tree density units (TTDU) standard of 22.0, an existing tree density Units (ETDU) OF 11.4, and can only accommodate replacement tree density units (RTDU) of 9.0.

    Determine the density unit deficit (DUD) using the formula: DUD=TTDU-ETDU-RTDU

    In this example, DFD = 22.0 - 11.4 - 9.0 = 1.6

    Determine the acceptable contribution amount as follows: 1.6 divided by .5 multiplied by $220.00 = $704.00


    Fund Administration. The Urban Forestry and Beautification Division will administer the Columbus Tree Replacement Fund. A quarterly report shall be submitted to the City Manager showing amounts collected, amount spent, and the types and locations of trees planted. The report will be made available to the Mayor and Council upon their request.