§ 4.7.5. Land Clearing, Timber Harvesting, and Speculative Grading.  

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  • A.



    Bona Fide Agricultural Purposes. Land clearing for bona fide agricultural purposes within an RE10 or RE5 zoning district, including legitimate timber harvesting, plant or tree nurseries and orchards, is exempt from the provisions of this Article and Article 6 of this Chapter.


    Excluded Tree Harvesting. The exemption provided in this Section shall not be interpreted to include tree harvesting incidental to the development of land, or tree harvesting on land that is anticipated to be developed for nonhorticultural uses.


    Natural Area Required.


    Timber Harvesting. All legitimate timber harvesting on tracts of five or more acres shall be required to provide and maintain a 50 foot wide undisturbed natural area adjacent to all paved public road frontages during harvesting and site preparation activities.


    Crossings Permitted. A maximum of two access crossings will be allowed.


    Maintenance. The natural area is to be maintained for five (5) years.


    Other Land Disturbing Activities. For all other land disturbing activities in anticipation of development other than those specified in this Section, a natural areas with an average width of at least 30 feet shall be maintained adjacent to all paved public road frontages.


    Calculation of Average Width. The average shall be calculated on the plans submitted and include for credit in said calculation only the first 60 feet of the site closest to the right-of-way.


    Retention of Natural Area. The natural area shall be maintained until a tree protection or planting plan is approved for the site adjacent to all paved public road frontages. The plan may be in narrative form, and shall provide for planting as required by either the perimeter planting requirements of Article 6 of this Chapter or the requirements of Article 5 of this Chapter relating to buffering screening and landscaping, whichever is applicable, or seek a variance from such requirements.