§ 7.3.5. Lots.

Latest version.
  • A.

    Minimum Lot Dimensions and Areas. All lots proposed in a subdivision shall meet or exceed the area and dimensional requirements of this Ordinance for the zoning district in which the lots are located.


    Authority of Health Department. Nothing contained in this Article shall be construed as preventing the Health Department, after study of the conditions existing in a proposed subdivision, from requiring that all or any portion of the area of such subdivision shall not be built upon or that the minimum lot sizes set forth in this Development Ordinance are inadequate and must be increased to ensure the protection of the public health.


    Adequate Building Sites. Each lot shown on a preliminary or final subdivision plat shall contain a building site large enough for a normal building that will meet all building setback requirements and not be subject to flood or periodic inundation. Neither lot remnants nor lots that will require variances shall be platted.


    Arrangement of Side Lot Lines. Insofar as practical, side lot lines shall be at right angles to straight street lines or radial to curved street lines (including cul-de-sacs).


    Corner Lots. Corner lots shall be sufficiently large to permit the location of buildings so as to conform to the front building lines on both streets.


    Minimum Setback Along Highways.


    Arterial Roads. For any lot that adjoins an arterial road, the minimum building setback along such road shall be 100 feet from the right-of-way line; provided that the setback may be reduced by the Engineering Department to a distance equal to the building setback required on the lot by the zoning district plus the amount of right-of-way that will be required in the future. Future right-of-way requirements shall be determined by the classification of the road and future improvement plans based on a 20-year build-out study of traffic demand.


    Minimum Frontage. All lots shall front on a minimum of 25 feet of dedicated public right-or-way or upon a right-of-way that has received the legal status of such, except as provided for within specific zoning districts in Section 7.4.2.


    Areas Reserved for Future Development. If any portion of a tract is reserved for future subdivision development, the minimum lot width and frontage of the reserved area may be reduced to the width required for a future street to serve such area.


    Identification. Such a reserved area must be labeled "Reserved for Future Development" on the final subdivision plat, and the portion of the lot where a street will be built must be labeled "Future Street."


    Requirements for Building Permits. Such a reserved area will not be eligible for issuance of a building permit unless the lot meets all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance, including minimum lot width and frontage requirements of the applicable zoning district.


    Plats Straddling Political Boundaries. Whenever access to a subdivision is required across land in another governmental jurisdiction, the Director of Inspections and Codes may request assurance from the City Attorney or the other county to ensure that access is legally established, and that the access road is adequately improved. In general, lot lines shall be laid out so as to not cross-jurisdictional boundary lines.

(Ord. No. 05-32, § 1, 4-5-05; Ord. No. 08-72, § 1, 12-16-08; Ord. No. 09-22, § 1, 6-2-09)